Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Hastur must eat.

Thanks to our minions in the Supreme Court there is no Abortion Legislation in Canada. None, nothing? Since the supreme court said that their thoughts on the matter were more important than the democratically elected house of commons. They struck down the conservative bill and now we have more to eat. Just how our Mr Hastur personified wanted it to work via the Canadian Charter of rights and all. So now there is nothing when it comes to abortion legislation it's like a black sea of infinite nothingness.

Hastur's minions have done their work so well that social conservatives are portrayed as NOT being kind hearted in the press in Canada. Yet the truth of liberalism is well hidden because we torture those who tell the truth, they feel our pain. Have you ever seen a picture of an abortion in the news or a garbage bag of babies found in a dumpster on the news? Well why would we allow that? We need flesh and beating hearts ripped from their bodies sustain us. We also practice diversity, as you can see below. In fact visible minorities are eaten out of proportion to their numbers, taste like bacon.

The child in the picture above could have immediately been put up for adoption but things don't work like that in Hastur's world.

Now in Canada if a doctor deliberately kills kids during delivery there have been cases where there is no recourse before the law and if Mom is a crack head there is nothing a kind hearted society would do to prevent her from deliberately mutilating her child. Which the fools in the Manitoba government tried to stop but they lost. Of course moms can kill 1/3 of the children in the country and everyone is ok with it. It’s only to be expected in a polite kind hearted LIBERAL society.

We are joyously approaching 4,000,000 dead give or take since Hastur fired up the abortion clinics in the late 60’s. We’re well over half way to being as bad as Hitler. Congrats are in order for Canada has a lot fewer people to draw blood from than the teeming millions in Europe.

We Liberal spawn of Cthulhu never allowed a vote on it, like they would in a democracy. The only rights the kids have is to end up dead in an abortuary their still beating hearts giving us warmth and the dripping blood giving us life, after dying a long painful death, where we ensure they get no pain killers so we can feed psychokinetically from their anguish, so innocent, so yummy. Afterward many moms who had an abortion felt they were pressured, feel guilty and are 6 times as likely to join pro life groups after than their pro murder adversaries. But that does not matter in Canada we still get 25 % of all children as offerings to Hastur, in some countries where feminism has deeper roots the percents are higher but we can't have rates that are too high, lest our food sources become extinct.

Hastur needs food not just now but forever we liberals will feed him a steady supply.

Over 100,000 unborn babies are killed by abortion each year in Canada. To that I anita eville say ear ears, twice that many ears. To show how in a Cthulhu world we treat our minions well, this is how kind a tolerant liberal society is to those who kill for hastur. Our minions get respect and are allowed to have fun, such is the bliss of a liberal needle exchanging society.

Clifford Olson Canadian mass murderer, having fun. Join us, don't vote for the lesser evil, support the ultimate evil! you could have fun too!

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