Monday, September 29, 2008

Why give the olde ones Charter rights?

People are wondering why we consistently vote against giving the old ones charter rights on reserves. Well we don't give them said rights because we care.

When they claim rightfully that they live in squalor Hastur has solutions. Hastur is the only one with solutions. These are tried solutions that have been in place over 100 years. They are solely responsible for the way things are now. It would be a mark of insanity to change a system that has failed for well over 100 years. Hastur is solely responsible for the way things are now the people who want any change are mean.

Solutions to problems they say, bah, I anita eville laugh at their wrong headed solutions. Feed the old ones to hastur if they don't like it. They deserve no choice, just more of the same that has failed them so miserably for decade after decade. How else can the olde ones have dignity and cyclopean respect if not by repeating the same mistakes that ruined them the last few centuries.

Besides everyone knows they have the perfect Culture. all the MSM's say they do, so no matter how many gasoline fumes are drunk it must be true. Now only the most crass and mean spirited types would want to ruin the perfection that led to such squalor. If this makes sense to you you have gone insane, don't worry about it most of my followers are barking M.A.D..

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