Thursday, September 11, 2008


Some cynical knuckle draggers have wondered why I am bringing in a national energy program II. Why they ask are you screwing over Alberta and once again favouring quebec. Why, like they are too stupid to figure it out. I'll have to find something especially diabolical for their punishment.

Well duh even here in the mountains of transylvania across the black seas of
infinity we see Alberta, we hate Alberta, we hate Alberta a lot. I hate Alberta so much I had my slave type it in upper case just to oppress them a little more. quebec I spell in lower case because they are my minions and I love minions. They get eaten last. That's why we want Alberta to pay, who cares about the east why should they pay we don't hate them are they west of innsmouth ontario? Everyone west of innsmouth ontario we hate.

If they were smart they would have left canada ages ago, but I don't mind people I hate, who want to be punished. Hate and punishment dovetail together nicely. Here an Albertan is about to meet hastur along the Bow river. Note my clever use of Capitalization.


Bill D. Cat said...

I am intrigued by your newsletter ..... how do I subscribe ?

ms eville said...

I have a newsletter?

I don't know I'm new at this.

Off to search the dark seas of infinity for a source document.
